Wednesday May 08 , 2024
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Payment Options

FSI Fraud Security Investigations and all its affiliate companies offers all its valued clients easy, simple to use payment options with cheque payment including online credit card and debit card payment.

If you would like to pay via either credit or debit card, FSI Fraud Security Investigations makes this possible through online payment solutions with PayPal, the number #1 trusted secure online payment provider.

Simply enter your credit or debit card information below and select the amount of your purchase. You will receive confirmation of your payment advance including a hard copy invoice for your records to ensure a complete audit control for security and verification purposes.

If you require further assistance, please call (905) 274-4200 during business hours.

FSI Payment Options

FSI Monthly Contribution Options

Thank you for supporting FSI Fraud Security Investigations and

helping bring criminals to justice!


FSI Fraud Security Investigations allows for easy on-line payment with the security and ease of Pay Pal.